I am Marieke Smithuis and I write for children of all ages. I love jokes, fairy tales, family stories, excitement and emotion and you will find all of that in my books.


Jinna is thirteen years old and lives with her dog at her aunt's place. At first glance there is nothing special about her, but Jinna carries a secret: she has no shadow. And it's only when she ends up in the magical land of Umbrador that she discovers why...

"Fairytale-like and beautiful!"

— Karlijn Cohen, kinderboekenwinkel Casperle, Amsterdam.

"Umbrador is a suspenseful, imaginative and adventurous book. I soon couldn't stop reading. You have been warned!"

— Marjoleine Wolf, De Amsterdamse Boekhandel.

Hou jij van grappige en spannende avonturen? Dan is dit boek zeker iets voor jou!

— Kinderboekenjournaal.nl

Hou jij van grappige en spannende avonturen? Dan is dit boek zeker iets voor jou!

— Kinderboekenjournaal.nl

The King of the Flat

Boele and Moes are best friends. They live in a flat. There is always something going on there: they smuggle in a goat, they paint Grandpa's nose red, or they quarrel with the terrible Missy Poops a Lot, who lives on the floor below Boele. They also get into a lot of mischief at school, because Boele and Moes are much better at that than at language and math.

"Do you like funny and exciting adventures? Then this book is definitely for you!"

— Kinderboekenjournaal.nl

"A book full of humor, but with a serious side. It is also very nice how the writer shows how different cultures can go together very well. Everyday and unusual experiences of a special duo. The illustrations by Marieke van Ditshuizen are a wonderful addition to the story. A book that I have read with great pleasure from the first page."

— Rubén Rodriguez da Silva, Specialist, Bookseller (Libris) and 2022 "Griffel" judge

"A little tough, a little brave, a little crazy and a little naughty. Exciting!"

— Remco Houtepen, Venstra bookstore.

Meet Lottie & Rose!

Two stubborn sisters. Two equally stubborn neighbor boys. That can't go well and it won't; but they eventually become friends. In the cheerful life of Lottie and Rose, all sorts of small and big adventures happen every day. They sneak up on the boys next door when they're in bath, they are happy with their lice because they always wanted a pet. And when they go to swimming lessons, suddenly a strange dog shows up in their car. Fortunately, they have a grandfather who knows what to do.

Winner of the
"vlag en wimpel" prize for children's books.

"Very pleasant (bedtime) stories with equally fine illustrations by Annet Schaap."

— De Telegraaf

"Marieke Smithuis creates a world that is close to reality, but just a bit funnier and more adventurous. A book to live in."

— Atheneum Bookstore

"So funny that even as an adult you regularly laugh out loud. Great to read!"

— Juryrapport KIDDO Leespluim

Take a look into the world of Lottie & Rose